Saturday, October 15, 2011

Bad Luck Gas Burners - Dealing w/Others

BAD LUCK GAS BURNERS – Dealing w/ Others

The element of luck should never be underestimated, especially the element of bad luck. Were I going to a regular job, how many people would wish me good luck? My idea of luck has absolutely nothing to do with harvesting fish. Catching fish on a regular basis is a matter of learned skill, and the only luck involved is usually bad luck.

The bad luck comes in a number of varieties. Those who fish have enemies – Gas Burners, water skiers, jet skiers, Cigarette boats and anyone else who makes life miserable while they’re fishing. Gas Burners are those who just ride around in a big boat, creating wakes, running over lines, looking stupid – well they’re just Gas Burners, and the fact of having to deal with them at all is my idea of bad luck.

If I am well informed, well prepared and fish hard when I’m supposed to, I will almost always catch fish. The “almost” would only come in to effect for instance, if someone would be occupying a pre-designated spot where I had intended to fish. But I just don’t surrender. Were I to surrender to the elements of luck it would open the door to an abyss that would throw me completely off course.

In order to reclaim invaded territory my tactics include a variety of guerrilla maneuvers, one of which will usually do the trick. If there be a girl aboard the attack vessel right the biggest live eel you’ve got to a light, seaweed encrusted lure and aim for the neck, with a wrap around idea. If it’s a hot-dog Guido try a heavy lead weight and aim higher. They should have to take a safety course to get a license, instead we should make our own wake and have a limited hunting season on them.

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